What is our purpose?

ADA, Humanitarian Aid Foundation Mission and Vision
It carries out humanitarian aid activities in regions where the effects of war or conflicts continue, in regions where natural disasters occur, in countries and regions with poverty. By delivering the humanitarian aid they need to all needy and oppressed people on earth. To ensure the survival of unchanging ethical human values in a changing world. Our mission is to try to keep goodness and sharing alive always and everywhere.
Providing ethical humanitarian assistance to the poor is an important task of humanitarian organisations around the world. These organisations are committed to helping the most vulnerable people suffering from poverty and other hardships. Ada humanitarian foundation is one of these organisations.

The ADA ensures that assistance and support is provided with respect for human dignity, regardless of race, religion or nationality. This assistance aims to alleviate the most urgent needs of people in difficult circumstances, such as food, shelter and medical care.
ADA also works to find sustainable solutions to the problems people face. This can mean working to improve access to education and healthcare, creating economic opportunities and promoting human rights.
An important aspect of ethical humanitarian assistance is the ability to respond quickly to emergencies. ADA has teams ready to respond quickly to disaster areas and provide emergency assistance. These teams also work with local organisations and governments to coordinate relief efforts and ensure that aid reaches the people who need it most.
As a result, ADA is an organisation whose ethical humanitarian assistance is critical to helping poor and vulnerable people around the world. ADA works to alleviate the most pressing needs of people in difficult circumstances, while also working to create sustainable solutions to the problems they face.